办公室:数学楼221 8250-0695 wwei@ruc.edu.cn1981.9-1985.7河南大学数学系,基础数学专业,学士
2018.6-至今 中国人民大学数学学院
☆ 韩京清,王伟,非线性跟踪-微分器,系统科学与数学,1994,14(2),177-183.
☆ 王伟,韩京清,估计非线性系统参数的一种方法,控制与决策,1993,8(3),161-165.
☆ W. Wang, On active disturbance rejection control: Some improvements and extensions[C], 2011 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2011,6299-6304.
☆ W. Wang,A double-mechanism strategy of control systems for improving the accuracy of output regulation[C], 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), IEEE, 2011, 2068-2073.
☆ W. Wang, The High-quality Tracking Control of an IPM Synchronous Motor Drive Using the Double-Regulation Control Mechanism [J]. Journal of Computers, 2011, 6(11),2510-2516.
☆ W. Wang,The safety and comfort control of vehicles by the separation principle of PID controller tuning[C], 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, 2010: 145-150.
☆ W. Wang, The stripping principle to the system synthesis for a kind of complex networked systems [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 219, 999-1002.
☆ W. Wang, The output tracking control for a kind of uncertain networked systems[C], 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). IEEE, 2010,4407-4412.
☆ W. Wang, The synchronization control for a kind of complex dynamical networks[C], 2011 International Conference on Network Computing and Information Security (NCIS), IEEE, 2011, 1,157-161.
☆ W. Wang,The improvement of fastness for a kind of uncertain networked systems based on the stripping principle and optimal control [J]. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2011, 11,103-110.
☆ W. Wang,The method on improving the adaptability of time series models based on dynamical innovation [M], Communications and Information Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 210-217.
☆ W. Wang,The novel reconstruction strategy for signals with uncertain dynamic properties[C], 2011 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), IEEE, 2011, 5,2499-2503.
☆ W. Wang, The method on modifying the dynamic properties of self-interactive systems by external factors [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 109,410-414.
☆ W. Wang, The New Design Strategy on PID Controllers, PID Controller Design Approaches - Theory, Tuning and Application to Frontier Areas, Dr. Marialena Vagia (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0405-6, InTech, 2012, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/pid-controller-design-approaches-theory-tuning-andapplication-to-frontier-areas/the-new-design-strategy-on-pid-controllers.
☆ W. Wang,The conceptual models for the growth of individuals based on the viewpoint of philosophy,2014 Asia-Pacific Management and Engineering Conference (APHSS), 2014,808-814.
☆ W. Wang, The novel modelling method of time series based on the internal model principle [J], Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2015,123,573-576.
[1] 科研成果《局域网虚拟视景仿真系统及应用研究》2001年获全军科技进步二等奖。
[2] 论文《非线性跟踪-微分器》(与导师韩京清教授合作)2009年获中国科学院系统科研究所,《Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences》,《系统科学与数学》共同颁发的“1979-2009系统科学最佳论文”奖。(该论文是在中国科学院系统科学院研究所庆祝成立三十周年时,从上述两个刊物创刊以来发表的论文中评选出的十篇论文之一)。
[3] 因指导本科生刘穆之的毕业论文《基于艾略特波浪理论改进的 G.A.M. 模型:修正的 PID 模型》,2013年获中国人民大学2012-2013学年学士学位论文优秀指导教师荣誉证书。另同年指导的硕士生郑鸬捷的毕业论文《倒向随机微分方程在保险定价中的新应用》被评为中国人民大学2013年优秀硕士学位论文。
[4] 其他省部级、全国学术协会级等优秀科研成果(论文)奖6项。