报告人: 王玮明,教授,淮阴师范学院
报告题目:A fractional order SIRS model by the way of generalized continuous time random walk
报告摘要:In this talk, we propose a novel fractional-order SIRS (frSIRS) model incorporating infection forces under intervention strategies, developed through the framework of generalized continuous-time random walks. The model is first transformed into a system of Volterra integral equations to identify the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) state and the endemic equilibrium (EE) state. Additionally, we introduce a new FV-1 method for calculating the basic reproduction number R0. Next, we establish that R0 serves as a critical threshold governing the model's dynamics: if R0, the unique DFE is globally asymptotically stable; while if R0>1, the unique EE is globally asymptotically stable. Furthermore, we apply our findings to two fractional- order SIRS (frSIRS) models incorporating infection forces under various intervention strategies, thereby substantiating our results. From an epidemiological perspective, our analysis reveals several key insights for controlling disease spread: (i) when the death rate is high, it is essential to increase the memory index; (ii) when the recovery rate is high, decreasing the memory index is advisable; and (iii) enhancing psychological or inhibitory effects--factors independent of the death rate, recovery rate, or memory index--can also play a critical role in mitigating disease transmission. These findings offer valuable insights into how the memory index influences disease outbreaks and the overall severity of epidemics.
个人简介:王玮明博士,淮阴师范学院“翔宇学者”,二级教授;中国数学会生物数学专委会常务理事、副秘书长。陕西师范大学兼职博导。江苏省十四五“数学”重点学科带头人;江苏省高校科技创新团队带头人;淮安市传染病防控及预警重点实验室主任。曾入选浙江省“新世纪 151 人才工程”第二层次,担任浙江省十二五“应用数学”重点学科带头人。近十年来专注于传染病防控的建模分析及预警研究,得到了国家自然科学基金的连续资助,已主持完成面上项目2项,目前主持在研1项。在科学出版社出版专著2部。近五年来,获中国产学研合作与创新成果奖优秀奖、海南省自然科学奖二等奖和新疆自治区科技进步奖二等奖各1项。入选爱思唯尔2020--2024“中国高被引学者”、科睿唯安2021-2022 “全球高被引科学家”以及斯坦福大学“全球前2%科学家”等榜单。