报告题目:Algebraic Number Fields and the High Dimensional RSA Protocol
报告人及单位:郑志勇 教授,中国人民大学
The most known of public key cryptosystem was introduced in 1978 by Rivest, Shamir and
Adleman and now called the RSA public key cryptosystem in their honor. Later, a few authors gave a simply extension of RSA over algebraic numbers field, but they require that the ring of algebraic integers is Euclidean ring, this requirement is much more stronger than the class number one condition. In this paper, we introduce a high dimensional form of RSA by making use of the ring of algebraic integers of an algebraic number field and the lattice theory. We give an attainable algorithm of which is significant both from the theoretical and practical point of view. Our main purpose is to show that the high dimensional RSA is a lattice based on public key cryptosystem indeed, of which would be considered as a new number in the family of post-quantum cryptography. On the other hand, we give a matrix expression for any algebraic number fields , which is a new result even in the sense of classical algebraic number theory.
国际基础科学大会,是由北京市人民政府、科学技术部、中国科学技术协会及世界华人数学家联盟主办的国际基础科学领域的顶级学术盛会,创办于2023年。2024国际基础科学大会(International Congress of Basic Science,简称 ICBS)将于7月中旬在北京开幕,主题为“聚焦基础科学,引领人类未来”,重点围绕数学、理论物理、理论计算机与信息科学三大基础科学领域展开学术交流和研讨。