Title: A refinement on quotient branching law for the p-adic (GL(n+1,F), GL(n,F))
Speaker: Kei Yuen Chan (HongKong University)
Time: 18:30-19:30. 09/03/2023
Abstract: Let pi be an irreducible representation of GL(n+1,F), where F is a non-Archimedean local field. The quotient branching law asks for when an irreducible representation pi’ of GL(n,F) appears in the quotient of pi. When pi and pi’ are both generic, it plays an important role in L-functions and Rankin-Selberg theory. This talk aims to explain the quotient branching law in general case, and we shall explain how the multiplicity one theorem of standard modules leads to determining the Bernstein-Zelevinsky layer contributing the quotient branching law.